With your Vaamoz membership, you can unlock offers and discounts on over 250+ brands, 1000+ outlets and more than 20 categories.
All Vaamoz memberships are non-refundable and assure you an enjoyable time each time you log in and browse our app. With unimaginable deals across 18+ categories, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience. It’s the only membership you’ll ever need.
Go online: Click on any of the Go out options on the Vaamoz App, you will then see a promo code. Copy that promo code and click the visit website option. While checking out, you can then paste your promo code and Viola, you’re good to go! Go out: Claim your offers on our app by clicking on the outlet you want to use. You will now see a list of offers that you can claim. Each offer can be claimed once every 3 hours.Go ahead, take your pick!
You must call the outlet and confirm your reservation or booking with the outlet before visiting if needed. Note : Not required for few categories
One offer or deal can be availed only once per bill.
Yes with Vaamoz you can avail offers at whatever outlet you are visiting of the ones listed with Vaamoz.
When you purchase a membership, you can get rewards. Pretty cool, right? We know! Your rewards can vary from a burger to a personalised hoodie that you can show-off to your loved ones.
Click on the reward icon at the bottom of your screen. Next, choose the reward you would like to claim and you will be redirected to the outlet page. You can now claim that reward.
V points are our loyalty program. When an outlet offers you V points, it is automatically credited to your account within 24 hours. Upon successful credit to your account, you can then redeem those points at the same outlet that credited it to you.
To earn V Points you must: Visit the brand page and click earn. Then enter the bill amount and review discounted bill and your V points are now credited and ready to redeem
To claim your V Points:Select the offer you want to avail, click on the ‘Earn’ button and Enter the number of V points you wish to claim
You must show your Vaamoz membership upon entry to let the manager or the person in charge know you’re a Vaamoz user before you can avail certain discounts.
Please note that you must check with the vendor about the availability of reservations before visiting the outlet.